Did you know? Our 250-people worship services pilot project with the Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth (MCCY) was featured on the local news.

Here's a look at some of the measures implemented for the safety of our members and their loved ones. They follow the advisory from MCCY.

  • With 250 people per service, we are running at less than 15% capacity of our 2000-seater auditorium. This ensures ample safe distancing. 

  • Please check-in and check-out using TraceTogether, and wear your face mask at all times. We also have a temperature check right before service.

  • We have increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfection of common areas. Points of frequent contact, such as elevator buttons and door handles, are also sterilised often.

  • Please fill in our health declaration form. If you have flu-like symptoms or are unwell, you will be asked to go home to rest. Thank you for your understanding!

  • We have allocated worship time slots, with staggered arrival and departure timings.

  • No singing and live performances during the service.

  • Clear signs and directions for one-way entry and exit to prevent the formation of queues.⠀

  • Avoid mingling before, during or after each service. Members are ushered out by Safe Distancing Ambassadors immediately after the service.